today in the bus, I was reading the excellent “American Science Fiction And The Cold War” by David Seed.
I was beginning the chapter dedicated to Robert Heinlein(definitively more to say about him). Back home, a Google search has lead me to a quiz that pictures your profile as an Heinlein characters.
The result:
You belong in Starship Troopers. Your idea of a
good time is bouncing across an alien
battlefield blasting the foes of humanity into
Which Heinlein Book Should You Have Been A Character In?
brought to you by Quizilla
October 28th, 2003 at 09:52
I had to try : “You belong in The Man Who Sold The Moon. You are a dreamer. People don’t understand you your calling, and often get in your way. Frontiers call to you, and you will breathe your last breath as you gaze back from a distant horizon.” Do you think it’s correct?
October 29th, 2003 at 21:47
You belong in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. You value freedom above all else. You would fight and die for your family and your home.
This is me…
Yes, P, sometimes….