The Fuzz
Plundermaniac Chenard Walcker recently added this 1994 recording to the collection, adding an unknown piece in the history of the wild sampling :
“Two American from the east coast found their drummer in the eastern suburb of London after having auditioned 7000 of them. They worked 9 months on of the 3 titles of this ep, which was released in limited edition in 1994.
The result is FABULOUS ! Absolutely !
The band explained in the sleeve why they refused to pay royalties for using samples. They encouraged artists to follow their policy. They had no success, neither with the music nor with the Free Sample movement. Too bad…
So i’ve decided to share the furious grooves of this EP. I own the number 0286. Those who have other numbers please let a message. Yeah ! Peace.
-Chenard Walcker-”
UPDATE : archive decided to take it down as the copyright status of it wasn’t so clear and Chenard couldn’r reach the musicians. So now it’s there.